Saturday, January 16, 2010


The day went fairly well today. Josh was happy and very "normal". I put normal in "" because, well it is so silly to say what is normal and what is not. Any hoot, he played and watched a movie and was generally happy. Then everyone came home and well it was craziness. He started yelling, screaming and losing it. Tantruming and throwing toys into the wall because he thought it was his turn to take a bath right there and then. He was angry because I was going to take a bath first. Wow how dare I take a bath and a few minutes to myself. Then as quick as his tantrums came on, it is gone, he is now calm and quiet, playing in his room. I feel like sometimes, it is like a tornado comes in and snatches my son away. Leaving a screaming, crying mess in return. As quick as the tornado comes, it vanishes. Sometimes the tornado leaves vast destruction, sometimes just exhaustion. I know it might seem weird to compare Josh's outburst to a tornado but until you experience one first hand then you just can not judge me.

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