Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's been a while

So here we are again ready for another IEP. This will be his first triennial. Which means it has been 3 years since we started with the school district. I am not looking forward to it as we have had to hire a lawyer because they did not want to offer us any other placement offers. You see they only offered us one placement. By law they have to offer multiple placements when it is special Ed. Everything else, we pretty much agree on. Sometimes I just get so tired of fighting for everything for him. He is so totally worth it but it just gets so darn exhausting. For once I would love for something, that he needs to come without a fight. Is that to much to ask for??? He is going to have an MRI next week and an EEG to follow under general anesthetic. To say I am a little scared about this is an understatement. The last time he had any thing done under any anesthia it was a disaster and he wound up with a pyschotic break.