Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ok so here it is....

We went to the fair hearing at Regional center yesterday. I have to admit that I did not want to go. I figured that we were just going to lose but I went ahead and went. I am so glad that I did. We hired the neuropshyc that did Josh's evals this past summer. That was worth every penny let me tell you. We walk into the conference room. We sit on one side of the table, the regional center at the other end of the table with the judge sitting at the end. Of course the Regional center goes first and tells why they think we do not qualify for services. They argue that according to the test they administered his IQ was way to high and that disqualifies him. After they had a chance to speak, we got our opportunity to ask questions as well as plead our case. (I did not realize I needed a law degree to be a mom but I had to be a very quick learner). I asked the idiot therapist, oops I digress, from the regional center. Why he administered that particular IQ test even though it was not supposed to be given to a child under 6. He did not have a good answer. I also asked him why he applauded every time Joshua got a right answer but when he got a wrong answer he said nothing. He again denied that and said basically I was lying. After those questions, then it was our turn. First I testified and laid the ground work for Dr. Hennings. We took a small break then came back. Then it was Dr. Hennings turn. She first stated her back ground, schooling and degrees. I had no idea she was so well educated. LOL!!! I guess you would have to be to be a neuro pshyc. Anyways, she started tearing a huge whole through all the testing of the regional center as well as defending her reports. She then continued speaking for over an hour on why Joshua qualified for Regional center services. I was very impressed. After that, it was time for closing arguments. The judge asked the regional center lady if she had any closing arguments, the lady closed her binder and said" we have nothing else to say". Then he turned to me and said do you have any closing arguments and I said " yes I do" and began to just re-emphasize what Dr.Hennings just said. I think I saw the judge smile when that happened. Well we won't know anything for 2 weeks so I will let you know as soon as we know. I just know it is all in God's hands and God surly was speaking through me there because it definitely wasn't me.

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