Sunday, June 20, 2010

I just don't know how to feel...

We got the Independent Expert Evaluations back that we asked for through the school district. Keep in mind that I asked for these back in March and they were finally approved in May and completed last week. It was exhausting to have Josh go through these evals. but very important. We found out some pretty shocking info on him. Somethings I knew some I suspected but was very sad to see in black and white. He has Auditory processing disorder ( i knew that but the school district was fighting me on), Sensory processing disorder (which I suspected but was not shocked to find out), and that on top of being bipolar and all the other things, they found him to be borderline mentally retarded. With a IQ score of only 72. That was the part that was a Little shocking. I mean I knew that he was behind and developmentally delayed but borderline Mentally retarded. I was just not prepared for that. When I went to therapy last Thursday, Jaimee Josh's therapist said" I want to discuss the outcome of his neuropshyc eval." I was excited to find out the results. Then she broke the news to me. I could hear her say the words but I could not process them. She asked me " are you alright I know this is a lot to process". I said sure I am and played it off like I suspected this all along. The truth is that it knocked me over. I felt like I hit a brick wall going a hundred miles per hour. I still am having a hard time processing it. I mean it makes sense but how am I going to help him in this world. I know that this is still my sweet little guy that I have always known. He didn't change just because he got yet another label but somehow things where different. I was different. I just don't know how to digest all of this. To top off everything else we think his meds need to be adjusted again and we don't see his new neurologist until August. I hope this is the right doctor. I am running out of patience and options.


  1. You may want to contact Lois Kam Heymann, she is the leading authority on auditory processing disorder. Her website is She does consultations and will be involved with a new center in Manhattan in October (I'm not sure where you are located). She has a book titled "The Sound of Hope" which you also might find helpful. You can get it at libraries, or Barnes & Noble and I think Amazon carries it. Wishing you much luck.

  2. Hi,

    I found your blog today and wanted to leave a comment.

    My son has many challenges too (Bipolar, Autism, SPD, Learning Disabilities, etc) and I can relate to what you are saying EXACTLY.

    Although we as moms know our kids, and are intellectually ready to hear whatever new label is put on them, it is an entirely different process emotionally. Hang in there -- it is a grieving process, each new acronym, and it is natrual to feel the way you do.

    I have a number of articles on my blog about grief, maybe one of them will help you. Please check them out if you think it might!

    You are right -- you still have the same sweet boy you started with. :)

