Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A good day

Today so far has been a pretty good day. Josh only had 2 tantrums this morning. He ate an entire bowl of mac and cheese for lunch. Now he is playing nicely with his sister. Life is good at this moment.
Last night I went to a training meeting at the school district. This was for parents of children that have OT (occupational therapy) needs. Josh has OT every Friday at school. This meeting was interesting in that I met other moms that could be a great source of information for me. The one mom has a daughter around 8 years old. She has been dealing with some of the same challenges throughout the school district that we have. The fact that no one seems to have any idea of what is wrong with or daughter or how best to teach her. She also has had some difficulties with getting OT, or any other therapy from the district. We fought for an entire year before they agreed that Josh needed help. As a home schooler, sometimes I feel as though having him in school is not worth it. Other time though, when he comes home very happy and tells me all about his day. Those times I think, I am doing the right thing. When I was sitting there in the meeting I found myself a little bit sad. They were talking about stuff like what kindergartners need to know by the end of the school year and what kids needed to know even starting school. Did you know that by the end of the kindergarten year, kids need to be able to write a sentence? A sentence? Are you serious? My son can't even hold a pencil correctly. He doesn't know his alpahbet or numbers. How do you expect him to know how to write a sentence? I am torn as to what to do next. Do we continue our journey with the public school system and hope that they can help him? Do we put him

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